Thursday, February 28, 2008

Using DOS: #2 Starting DOS & Basic Functions & Simple Commands

Unlike WINDOWS which has a GUI (Graphic User Interface), DOS uses a different system where if you want something done you must Command DOS to do it and DOS carries out your command.

(Ex: Try to envision a stereo with a keyboard... To turn the volume up louder you simply type the words volume: 10, and it gets louder, just as easily as to increase the volume, you simply command volume: 3 and the volume decreases.

We use the operating system primarily for the following functions:

  • preparing and organizing disks for use
  • formatting diskettes
  • setting up directories and sub-directories
  • running programs
  • copying and moving file
Starting DOS:
  1. Click on the DOS icon on the desktop (if it exists) OR
  2. Enter "start/run/command" from windows desktop OR
  3. Enter "start/run/cmd" from windows desktop
DOS Command Summary:

CHKDSK: Checks the status of a disk and prepares the status report
CLS: Clears the display monitor
COPY: Copies one or more files
DATE: Changes the system date
DEL: Deletes one or more files
DIR: Lists the files in the directory
DISKCOPY: Copies a complete diskette
ERASE: Deletes one or more files
FORMAT: Prepares a disk for use
RENAME: Renames disk files
TIME: Changes the time for the system
TYPE: Displays file contents on the moniter

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